Innovative element of this project is the use of a European tool in development, named ECVET, defining clearly the skills of personnel working in the entities for the support to entrepreneurs. While the ECVET tool is being used for the improvement of training of professionals in different areas, during the initial phase of investigation and analysis of the EPWESS project, no European project focused on present topic was found.

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What can the EPWESS Validation tool do?

The EPWESS project aims to influence positively on the quality of training of professionals providing social services of support to entrepreneurs by detecting skills which those professionals have to have for providing quality support to new entrepreneurs. To identify these skills and define the professional profile of the personnel working in the entities for the support to entrepreneurs.

Who created the EPWESS tool?

As the online tool was developed in co-operation with six countries, the knowledge about the systems of all these countries was integrated in the development process.


What is the tool based on?

The validation tool is based on the key competences of the European Lifelong Learning Programme. This means the competences validated with this tool are comparable across all European countries.

What is the idea behind EPWESS Validation tool

According to EC, the 50% of European enterprises close down during the first five years from their opening. That is, the mortality rate of enterprises is high and has a huge limitation impact on capacity of creating quality and sustainable employment. Considering these data, the importance of providing good services of support to SMEs, at the beginning of their activities as well as their consolidation, is extremely important.


A short tutorial video to help you out.

From this video you can learn the story behind the Validation tool. Its history, progress and how to use it effectively.